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Longines Replica Watches is widely regarded as the greatest Formula One driver. During his 12-year career, he won 51 Grand Prix races while driving for McLaren Renault Ferrari and Williams. Prost's record of most wins in sport was held by him until 1993 when he retired. It lasted for 14 years. Michael Schumacher eventually broke the record at the 2001 Belgian Grand Prix.

The academic approach of Prost to racing has earned him the nickname "The Professor". He would not overextend his car early in a race. Instead, he would conserve breaks and tyres to ensure maximum performance and a last-minute bid for victory. He drove with a cool head and solid strategy. "I don't like to risk my car," he said. "I want to win at the lowest speed and the least effort."

It would be impossible to give a complete picture of Prost’s racing career without mentioning his arch rival, Aryton Senna. It's a classic story: two people of similar talent and skill pushing each other to greater heights while directly competing for the win. Think of Holmes and Moriarty or Ali and Frazier. Or the Red Sox versus the Yankees. Or Federer vs. Nadal.

Prost/Senna's rivalry is now a legend in F1 -- Prost and Senna, with their aggressive, flat out driving, are going head-to-head. The rivalry was marked by notable incidents such as their collision during the 1989 Japanese Grand Prix at Suzuka and Senna intentionally ramming Prost with 160mph in the following year's race at Suzuka. Prost stated that after Senna died in 1994: "When he passed, I felt like a part of myself had also died because our careers were so intertwined."

It's Revolution, not motor racing. Prost was spotted wearing a variety of watches over the years, including pieces by Rolex, TAG Heuer, Ebel, and IWC.

Richard Mille has been Prost's watch of choice for the last few years. Initially choosing the RM 010 he now wears his new RM 70-01 Tourbillon Longines Replica Watches. RM sponsors Prost’s Renault e.dams Formula E Team, and has been doing so since the 2014 FIA Formula E Championship.(franck muller replica watches)

Longines Replica Watches